News & Jukebox Chart

Important Information About Jukebox Updates June 2020

With the UK government announcing the reopening of the hospitality trade in England from 4th July, it is with great pleasure that we can announce here details about the supply of music to your Sound Leisure and TouchTunes jukeboxes.

It is our intention to supply music updates for all your jukebox sites that were open and live on our systems in the period prior to Lockdown. However, please let us know if any of your sites are not going to open on this date. We understand this may take some time; although we will be supplying all your jukeboxes with new content within the next 7 days, we will not be raising invoices until the end of July.

We want to work with you on this – please stay in touch, preferably by email, with any changes to your sites. But feel free to call as usual.

[email protected]

020 7644 8888 Option 1

MIM/VHUB Online Jukeboxes
These jukeboxes will function ‘as normal’ when the site opens. MIM and VHub jukeboxes will not ‘time out’. We have been sending updates to those online jukes during Lockdown. We will be individually monitoring every online jukebox to ensure it receives all the key tracks and current Official Chart releases by 4th July.

We would advise you to turn on all your online jukeboxes and ensure they have an active internet connection (and any router or wifi bridge is switched on) as soon as possible and leave them on to ensure they are fully up to date for the 4th July.

MIM/VHUB/OCC Jukeboxes – Disc Updates
These jukeboxes will function ‘as normal’ when the site opens. MIM and VHub jukeboxes will not ‘time out’. We are resuming the supply of disc updates for these jukes, with update 1420 despatched on Tuesday 30th June, and further updates will be sent every 2 weeks thereafter as per the normal schedule. Update 1420 will include all the key tracks and current Official Charts releases.

If you have an OCC jukebox, please use the regular MIM update (1420). We will soon make available catchup album chart content.

MIM/VHUB/ OCC Jukeboxes – NEW USB Updates
As an alternative to waiting to receive the physical disc, we are providing a new facility where you can download updates and build your own USB(s) which can then be used to update the music on these models of jukebox. It is our intention to launch this new service with update 1420 on Thursday 25th June. This will provide you with the updates you need to get new releases to your jukeboxes without having to wait for the update disc to arrive. We are looking at expanding this service in the future. You will receive a separate email with a link and instructions on how to use this service within the next day or so.

SNUK/Value Jukeboxes
These jukeboxes will by now have timed-out. You will need to update these jukeboxes with a new disc before they can be used. We are urgently resuming the supply of disc updates and plan to send update no 2509 on Wednesday 24th June for SNUK jukeboxes and on Thursday 25th June for Value models.

We will also be producing a special Venue Favourite update for SNUK containing some additional content not included on the initial update. We hope to supply that around the same time as update 2510, which will be dispatched around 14th July.

Please note these models do not have a USB port, so the only way to updates these models is by disc.

TouchTunes Jukeboxes
All online TouchTunes jukeboxes will automatically be updated and ready for use on 4th July. Provided these jukeboxes are connected to the internet and booted up, they will be fully up to date and should not require any maintenance. Any TT jukebox that has been switched off and/or has been offline during lockdown needs to be got back online in order to boot up; you should ensure that the internet connection at the venue is active and that any router or wifi link is switched on (and the internet service has not been discontinued). The jukebox and internet connection should remain switched on in order to ensure the music updates are received (the jukebox can be placed in “sleep” mode which turns off the touchscreen display).

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