Online Jukeboxes Recover Well After Pub Re-openings in UK

There has been a gratifying recovery of online connected jukeboxes in UK pubs, despite ongoing difficulties in the pub retail sector, due to the lockdowns.
At the end of August, 89% of Soundnet/TouchTunes previously supplied were back on and taking income. The average income for all of the online jukeboxes was 94% of the levels reported in March 2020.
“We are very pleasantly surprised to see connection and income levels so high, only weeks after ‘Freedom Day’ in the UK. We saw a similar bounce-back in the US with TouchTunes jukeboxes once bars reopened there. I think this proves that jukeboxes are very resilient and a real cornerstone of the coin-op trade,” says Soundnet’s Toby Hoyte.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, TouchTunes has seen a marked increase in App revenue in the last 12 months. The App allows customers to choose and pay for their music remotely, via their smartphone, minimizing the need to move around the venue or touch the jukebox itself.
“I can conclude from these figures that although we lost some of our Soundnet sites, we have actually sold more TouchTunes jukeboxes into new locations since reopening. The market overall may have contracted somewhat, but the desire to invest in quality equipment is thankfully there,” adds Toby. “I predict that income from TouchTunes jukeboxes will soon exceed the levels we saw before the lockdowns, which is extremely encouraging.”
For more details on the TouchTunes premium digital jukebox or Soundnet’s V5 upgrade kit for older Sound Leisure online jukeboxes – which boosts them to Milestones levels, contact Toby on 07970 229124
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