soundjack Wins Most Effective B2B App at EMMA Awards

Soundnet has won its third award in 12 months for its innovative soundjack background music App. The awards were organized by Mobile Marketing Magazine and soundjack won; “Most Effective B2B App”.
The Effective Mobile Marketing Awards (EMMA) now in its sixth year, is the world’s longest-running awards programme, celebrating excellence in mobile marketing. Each year, the competition attracts entries from some of the world’s biggest brands and agencies.
This is the second EMMA that soundjack has won, as last year it was awarded a highly commended accolade for ‘Most effective mobile first service’.
In June this year soundjack also won an influential Marketing on Mobile (MOMA) award for ‘Best User Experience’.
“We are obviously thrilled to have our soundjack app recognised by the marketing industry once again,” says James Luck from Soundnet. “The soundjack concept – to use your phone to interact with music in a public space either via a background music system or a jukebox – is the future of music for pubs, bars, restaurants and shops. All customers will soon expect this interactivity.”
“This award comes at the end of a successful year for soundjack with Soundnet now supplying soundjack to over 500 sites in the UK both for background music systems and on Sound Leisure digital jukeboxes,” adds James. “Soundnet fully expect to roll soundjack out to a further 2000 sites within 2016. In the USA Touchtunes is finding that 20% of jukebox income is from mobile. This will soon be the same in the UK.”
This summer, leading UK operator Gamestec placed a significant order for soundjack background music systems. Gamestec’s Stefan Podolanski said, ‘Background music is a credible source of new income for Gamestec and the soundjack BGM with customer phone app integration really does give us an advantage over the traditional BGM systems and the illegal use of streaming and other systems in the hospitality and retail trade.”
About soundjack bgm:
soundjack bgm is a tablet-based online music background music system with phone app integration. Customers download the soundjack app onto their iPhone or Android devices and while on site can select and play songs from within the preselected library of music for that site. This can be either for a fee or complimentary dependent upon the location’s preferred choice. This can create a whole new revenue stream for sites where music was previously only ever a cost.
Tagged in: Pub Background Music Soundnet Products Technology