Take the next 6 months off – with a Milestones in Music rental deal

The UK’s number one digital jukebox for the past six years is now free to operate for the next six months in an unprecedented rental deal, which also includes free music.
Over 9,000 Milestones in Music jukeboxes have been sold into the UK market since they were first introduced, thanks to the quality build, comprehensive music package and competitive price, which have made it a favourite with operators.
However, Soundnet and Sound Leisure have set out to make it an even more attractive option with this rental deal that is available for a short time only.
“The Milestones technology is by far the most popular jukebox technology within the UK and along with the V-Hub, is the only machine range to be able to offer the full Official Charts on a weekly basis,” comments Sound Leisure’s Chris Black. “The Milestones technology has become the bedrock of the British pub over the past 6 years, not only because of the bullet-proof technology but also because the end users love it.”
“This rental deal will allow customers to make a profit from day one, the music updates are free, they can go online for free and there are no hidden charges,” adds Soundnet’s Toby Hoyte. “After 6 months, the jukebox will cost just £30 a week and this includes all music charges. After three years, the operator will own the jukebox outright. We can’t say fairer than that!”
“This offer will enable UK operators to fully upgrade their estates. The deal we signed with The Official Chart Company and the extensive work we have done in updating the OpWeb online operator management system means this is a sound investment that is completely future-proof,” he adds.
This rental deal is currently only available to existing Soundnet customers.
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