Tempo – The TouchTunes Tool You Can’t be Without

Smart operators are finding that their Tempo online management tool can save them time and money in reducing unnecessary site visits to manage their jukebox estate.
“Tempo allows operators to make changes remotely to their jukeboxes, so they don’t need to send an engineer to site every time, which is costly in time and fuel. It’s also possible for operators to give their site owners or managers certain Tempo privileges, so that they can change their music preferences, for example via Music Manager,” says Soundnet’s Carl Adams.
A similar system, called Opweb, is also available on Sound Leisure jukeboxes and performs largely the same functions.
Jason Jarrett, Managing Director of Automatic Machine Services says, “Here at AMS, we regard the Tempo management system a vital tool to ensure our TouchTunes Jukeboxes are fully working and maximising income levels at all times.
“ Not only do we use this system to track our jukebox performance but the ability to review connectivity statuses, to make small changes such as the lighting set-up, price per play or even make sound settings adjustments for each individual zone have all contributed to resolutions to matters without the need to send someone to location, which obviously benefits both customer and supplier.
“Our Audio Team check Tempo twice a week for any issues on our Touchtunes Jukeboxes and always act promptly to resolve any alerts or issues that are reported. Sometimes we even arrive on site to fix issues (Normally connectivity) before our customers have even realised there is a problem, this is all due to the Tempo alerts.
Jason concludes, “Like many other systems that provide information, they only really work if you use them to their capabilities and act positively to the detail they provide. We utilised Tempo since our very first Playdium purchase and we haven’t looked back, it is now a tool we simply couldn’t do without.”
Karen Sarosi, sales manager at Soundnet/TouchTunes says, “We are more aware than ever of the need to save time and money on making unnecessary journeys to site with the cost of fuel as it is. For any operators who are not getting the full benefit of their Tempo or Opweb management systems, just get in touch and we can arrange some free training.”
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