Try Before You Buy with TouchTunes

This month, Soundnet/TouchTunes carried out a survey of UK customers and found out that over 70 per cent of respondents believe jukeboxes to be as important or more important than ever before.
In order to persuade those few remaining operators just how important jukeboxes can be to their customers, the team is making an unprecedented offer – try with no obligation before you buy.
This applies only to those who are not currently operating TouchTunes products and is an opportunity to try out the top of the range Angelina digital jukebox within an agreed location for up to six months to enjoy the many features and the benefits of the revenue.
All those wishing to try a new Angelina in this way, will also benefit from the unparalleled installation service offered by TouchTunes, which will see a technical services representative help with the initial install if required and offer a full breakdown of the features and benefits.
“We can tell people how amazing the Angelina is and how high the revenue and service levels will be – but as the saying goes – the proof of the pudding is in the eating,” says sales manager Karen Sarosi. “If you are currently considering a jukebox and want to know more – this offer is designed for you. Get in touch and we will see if we can arrange a no-obligation test-drive of the Angelina to see if it works for you!”
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